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Apply Now for the Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund 2024

Unlocking Environmental Potential: Apply Now for the Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund 2024 and Join Forces for Greater Impact!

Rural england field covered in white flowers with trees in background

The Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund for 2024 is now open for applications. The fund aims to support groups of farmers and landowners in England to work together, coordinate actions, and share knowledge to achieve greater environmental benefits. This year, the scheme focuses on priorities such as increasing biodiversity, supporting priority species, achieving net zero, managing water (including beaver management), and improving air quality.

Key changes for this year's scheme include a reduction in the minimum holding requirements for each group from 2,000ha to 500ha, removal of the need for landlord consent, an increase in facilitator hourly rates, and reimbursement for refreshments up to £10.50 per person. Additionally, a "how to help" guide has been provided to support the application process.

Groups of farmers and landowners need to choose a facilitator who will work with them for a 3-year agreement. The facilitator will organize activities and provide support, advice, and training to help the group achieve their environmental goals.

The deadline to apply for this round of the Facilitation Fund is midnight on January 15, 2024. The fund is an important part of the Countryside Stewardship offer and aims to benefit more farmers and landowners.

If you're looking for support with Countryside Stewardship applications, or finding rural business funding get in touch!


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